
Entry: instrument response

URI: https://registry.epos-eu.org/ncl/FAIR-Incubator/tcs-SEISMO/93

In order to recover the ground motion at a recording site, one must deconvolve (see deconvolution) the contribution of the recording instrumentation. A modern instrument response can be broken down into two stages: a) the transformation of ground motion to an electrical energy followed b) by the transformation of that electrical energy into an output signal which can produce a permanent record (historically paper or photographic record, today mostly a digital stream recorded on a computer storage unit)

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is a Concept
submitted byTendry R
accepted on 10 Feb 2022 10:24:49.740

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date accepted 10 Feb 2022 10:24:49.740
date submitted 10 Feb 2022 10:16:37.372
entity instrument response
source graph graph

description In order to recover the ground motion at a recording site, one must deconvolve (see deconvolution) the contribution of the recording instrumentation. A modern instrument response can be broken down into two stages: a) the transformation of ground motion to an electrical energy followed b) by the transformation of that electrical energy into an output signal which can produce a permanent record (historically paper or photographic record, today mostly a digital stream recorded on a computer storage unit)
item class Concept
label instrument response
notation 93
register tcs sEISMO
status status experimental
account name t.randriamalala@externe.brgm.fr
name Tendry R

type register item
version info 2
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description In order to recover the ground motion at a recording site, one must deconvolve (see deconvolution) the contribution of the recording instrumentation. A modern instrument response can be broken down into two stages: a) the transformation of ground motion to an electrical energy followed b) by the transformation of that electrical energy into an output signal which can produce a permanent record (historically paper or photographic record, today mostly a digital stream recorded on a computer storage unit)
label instrument response
notation 93
pref label instrument response
type Concept


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